Ringworm & Fungus in Horses





Fungus or ringworm presents as hairless patches with crusty, scabby skin. These lesions are most common on the face, neck, shoulders, chest, or under the saddle or girth, but can appear anywhere on the body. The affected areas may become sore and itchy, though sometimes they cause no discomfort at all. Contrary to its name, ringworm is not a worm, but a fungal infection caused by several organisms, usually members of the Trichophyton or Microsporum families. The fungi are called dermatophytes. They feed on keratin, the proteins of hair and skin cells. The organism can survive for months on tack, stall walls or fences and can be hidden on the skin for up to three weeks before signs become evident. During this time, the fungi can be easily spread to other animals, and sudden outbreaks may affect every horse it comes in contact with. Left untreated, the lesions will continue to grow and spread. Although infections might heal eventually on their own, the horse will be highly contagious until they do.


Shampoo the horse with Equiderma Neem Shampoo and leave on for up to an hour. Rinse, dry well, then apply Equiderma Skin Lotion. Repeat this treatment every day until the problem has resolved. Clean and disinfect any tack or equipment and wash any stall walls and fences with which the horse been in contact. Use a power washer to get disinfectant into all crevices. Remember that humans and other animals are also targets of the fungus, so wear gloves when handling infected horses and exposed equipment.


The Equiderma Shampoo & Lotion Combo contains the tools you need to tackle this troublesome condition. For more helpful tips and videos, check out our Youtube Channel!

Equiderma Neem Horse Shampoo and Skin Lotion Combo
Equiderma Neem Horse Shampoo and Skin Lotion


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